I wanted to create a character with more detail than usual, but still remaining with RTS territory. He has an asymmetrical design, so his facial expression and haphazard clothing can tell a bit of a story.
I painstakingly researched the Gebirgsjäger (German mountain special forces) to get all the details just right.
There are a lot of different materials, which made it a great opportunity to learn how to use the extraordinary PBR (physically-based rendering) editor, Quixel dDo.
The high-poly was sculpted in Zbrush, and then baked to the low-poly with xNormal.
I was really happy with how the face and jacket turned out, but I could have done more with the low-poly mesh to bring out the ropes a little bit better.
I made the material IDs by baking the highpoly vertex colour.
The polycount ended up being far lower than I expected. I should have added more mesh detail to the hands and face, especially if they were intended to be animated!